Foreign Correspondents Association of Singapore

Member Login


  • 06 May 2014
    23 Church Street
    12th Floor Capital Square
    Singapore 049481
  • 7pm sharp
  • nil

This event is for all FCA members only.

The Annual General Meeting (AGM) will take place on Tuesday, May 6, 2014, at 7.00pm at Bloomberg's office on 23 Church Street 12th Floor Capital Square Singapore 049481.

If you intend to attend, please RSVP so we can organize the appropriate catering for the night.

While all members are encouraged to attend, please note that only Ordinary Members have voting rights. If you cannot attend, please send back your proxy vote to the Secretariat in due time for the AGM (via email by noon of 6 May 2014) indicating how it should be used, otherwise it cannot be counted. Please refer to email sent to you on 14 April 2014 which had attached Minutes, Statement of Acconts, and Proxy Form.

FCA President,

Sonia Kolesnikov-Jessop

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